
打開 iPhone 2.2的可愛表情符號!
29 十一月, 2008, 3:39 下午
Filed under: iPhone 技術交流

首先定位到 截圖1.bmp (37.87 KB)

在任意一個"<“key">"之前另起一行插入圖中圈出來的文字,可以複制以下 “<“key">"KeyboardEmojiEverywhere"<“/key> “



Google Calendar Sync 讓Google日曆與Outlook行事曆同步更新!
24 十一月, 2008, 6:28 上午
Filed under: PC software and news



以下簡單介紹Google Calendar Sync這個同步化軟體,安裝好再設定一下帳號密碼就可以馬上使用。目前Google Calendar Sync只能同步一個行事曆,如果你的Google日曆或Outlook裡面有設多個行事曆的話,目前僅能處理主要行事曆的同步。(這對一般使用者應該都夠用了)

軟體名稱:Google Calendar Sync
系統支援:Windows 98/2000/XP/2003/Vista

iPhone 3G 2.2破解教學 Before beginning make sure you have updated to iTunes 8.0.2.
24 十一月, 2008, 5:57 上午
Filed under: iPhone 技術交流

from: http://www.iphone4hk.com/jailbreak/3g/


Before beginning make sure you have updated to iTunes 8.0.2.

流動電話財經資訊服務 3hk
22 十一月, 2008, 5:21 上午
Filed under: iPhone 技術交流


Quamnet 一直以貼市的市場資訊及高質素的獨立投資建議,處處以投資者的利益為依歸。
有見及此,現更推出流動電話財經資訊服務,mobile.quamnet.com 讓用戶於互聯網外,有更多渠道,無論任何環境,均可隨時隨地瀏覽 Quamnet 的資訊,捕捉獲利良機。


PDANET iPhone (是一款免費的軟體,它可以讓 iPhone 變成 wireless router 的軟體-tether your laptop to your iPhone)
18 十一月, 2008, 2:03 下午
Filed under: App



How to do! XP


NB透過iPhone 3G上網 (PDA NET 教學)


Vista How to!


( : tested and  get good / fast / easy  result

Not long ago the application Netshare was released in the App Store. Not very long after, the same application got removed from the app store due to legal issues with AT&T. Another company that was awaiting approvment of their internet sharing app, PdaNet, is June Fabric. June Fabric’s official statement was:

Our latest response from Apple is that the PdaNet application will be given new “consideration”. But that was more than a week ago and it still has an “In Review” status. There is not much we can do at this point but just to wait.

It appears that June Fabric got tired of waiting cause today i fired up Cydia and found their PdaNet application.
Best of all the application seems to be free!

To get this working is actually rather simple.
A) Create a ad-hoc network with your iPhone and pc

1) Let’s start with your PC config:

1. Click the Start Button and select Control Panel.
2. Select Network and Internet. (If Control Panel is in Classic View, skip this step)
3. Open Network and Sharing Center.
4. Select Set up a connection or network (in the left pane).
5. In the resulting window, select Set up a wireless ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network.
6. Click Next and again on the following page.
7. In the Network name textbox, input iPhone as the name of the network.
8. Select a security type from the dropdown. (If you select WEP, you will need to enter a security key in the unghosted textbox)
9. If you want to use this network more than once, check the Save this network checkbox, if you only need it for a one time fix, leave the checkbox unchecked.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Close.

Let’s now configure the iPhone.

1. Press the main Application button.
2. Select Settings, then select Wi-Fi from the menu, let your iPhone scan for a network and the network iPhone will pop-up.
3. Connect to the network iPhone.

At this point, the hardware for both the PC and iPhone are configured for the ad-hoc connection. Once the settings are saved, your PC and iPhone should establish a wireless connection automatically.

Now it’s time to start the application pdanet.

MMS Tips
14 十一月, 2008, 1:05 上午
Filed under: iPhone 技術交流

(1) When you receive a new MMS, then you will get a SMS alert with URL and Retrieval code.

(2) Click the URL and input the related Retrieval code, and then click the “sign in" button.

(3) ou should be able to see the unread MMS messages list with ‘From’, ‘Date’ & ‘Title’ information displayed.

(4) Click one of the subject, then you can browse the selected MMS. Also, you can select any other MMS from the same page.

Other Smart Tips

Setting the email account

POP3 or SMTP Settings > Mail / Contacts / Calendars > Accounts > Add Account… > Choose the email account provider

Input Name、Address [email address] & password
Input POP3 & SMTP Server

Microsoft Exchange Settings > Mail / Contacts / Calendars > Accounts > Add Account… > Choose Microsoft Exchange

Input email, Domain, Username, & password

3gmail Settings > Mail / Contacts / Calendars > Accounts > Add Account… > Choose Other

Input Name, email address* & password

Set the POP server to “pop3.3gmail.com.hk"

Set the outgoing server to “smtp.3gmail.com.hk"*The email must be “mobile no@3gmail.com.hk"

HGC Broadband Settings > Mail / Contacts / Calendars > Accounts > Add Account… > Choose Other

Input Name, email address & password

Set the POP server to “pop.hgcbroadband.com"

Set the outgoing server to “mail02.hgcbroadband.com"

Add Planet3 Shortcut

At iPhone Home Screen adding the “Planet 3″ icon:
(1) Open Safari, input “mobile.three.com.hk" & click「+」

(2) Click「Add to Home Screen」after a few seconds, the 3.0 icon appear, click「add」

(3) The Planet3 icon will be added to Home Screen automatically.

Notices of using Wi-Fi

iPhone can be online through Wi-Fi or 3G/GPRS, if both networks are available, iPhone will be preferred Wi-Fi connection, when iPhone connecting to Wi-Fi network, the status bar will show the Wi-Fi icon, if no Wi-Fi network, it then will show the 3G/GPRS icon. If there has Wi-Fi network, the only way to use 3G/GPRS network is to turn off the Wi-Fi of your iPhone.

Settings「Fetch New Data」

When iPhone at the standby mode,handset will base on the「Fetch New Data」Setting to update the data automatically: Example, the weather, stocks, email, etc.& it will count the data charges, if want to extend the battery power, please turn off the fetch new data function.

Settings > Fetch New Data > Push > Off
Settings > Fetch New Data > Fetch > Manually

Data Roaming

At Settings > General > Network > Data Roaming ,Turn data roaming off when abroad to avoid substantial roaming charges when using email, web browsing, and other data services.

Applications at App Stores
(1) Open ‘iTunes’ at the computer
(2) Connect the iPhone & computer by USB
(3) Choose iTunes Store& input Apple ID
(4) Choose an application for download
(5) Click [Buy] after confirmation
(6) After download,the application will be shown at the ‘Application’ column, & press ‘Synchronize’ to download the application into iPhone

– If choosing a chargeable application,a notification will be prompted at iTunes to inform customer that the fee will be charged to his Apple ID’s register credit card
– Recommend customer to purchase application from computer’s iTunes, and then synchronize to the iPhone. If purchase and download from iPhone’s App Store, download data usage fees will be charged
– To download the application over the size of 10MB, please through computer’s iTunes or iPhone with WiFi to download.

Copy SIM Phone Book to iPhone

Choose「Mail / Contacts / Calendars」
Choose 「Import SIM Contacts」

from 3hk


iPhone Slower Than Before?
11 十一月, 2008, 1:31 上午
Filed under: iPhone 技術交流


What To Avoid:
This list is just my opinion. I’m not saying that these apps are dangerous or that the programmers aren’t great. In fact, some of these apps are written by Skrew, who is a very well respected developer. Also, it may be ok wth you if there is a penalty in performance for using some of these elements. Some of them are pretty cool and you may want to run them anyway. That’s fine so long as you do so with the understanding of what the price is that you pay. Anyways, here is my current “avoid” list:

1) Intelliscreen – I recommend avoiding this because I believe it drains battery more than without it. But more importantly, it hooks springboard but does so *directly* bypassing the safety of mobile substrate. This can cause system wide instability. The “performance boost” mode is konwn to cause instability and incompatibility with other apps. In general, I suggest not installing this app. Update: as of the last version I have tested, intelliscreen bypasses mobile substrate and hooks itself. This bypasses mobile substrate “safe mode” and should never be done. I would definitely hold off on this until it is a mobile substrate plugin.

2) Kate – The also hooks springboard without the safety of mobile substrate. Many mobile substrate issues are solved by simply uninstalling Kate. Kate is cool, but I prefer the power of Winterboard over Facelift.

3) Video Wallpaper – This is a battery drainer. It uses CPU to play the video wallpaper. It also uses Skrew Common. Skrew common now uses mobile substrate (great!) but the plugin is huge. It’s 1.2mb for the dylib. The same functionality can be provided by Winterboard. I would not suggest running both together.

4) Winterboard Video Wallpaper themes – WInterboard is great. I am not suggesting to avoid Winterboard. But any themes that contain video content should not be used.

5) Winterboard Themes with changing backgrounds – These themes are pretty neat. But they come at a cost. The theme requires springboard to be running javascript in a timer loop that runs every 15 seconds or however often the paper changes. This will suck more battery power than normal. Also, depending on how the theme is written, it may utilize a lot of memory if all the images are cached into RAM. The most efficient theme that changes background is “Saurik” that comes with Winterboard. Also, the BigBoss Fantasy Packs have been heavily optimized to only load 10 images at once (lower memory usage), and fade using webkit which is easier on the CPU because it’s hardware accelerated on the iPhone. Still, even these can use more battery than without. (I personally do run fantasy pack #2).

6) Backgrounder – Backgrounder is very useful and if you use it properly, you will have no problem. It lets you background many apps. But know what you are backgrounding. When an app is backgrounded, it is using CPU, Battery, and memory. It is just like a daemon only worse because it probably uses even more memory. Backgrounder, itself, is safe because when nothing is backgrounded, there is almost no extra overhead incurred. In other words, just having backgrounder installed isn’t much of a concern so long as you use it sparingly and know what you’re getting into when you do use it.

7) Categories – Installing categories is safe. However, make sure you are aware that enabling “background mode” on a folder uses up about 5mb of memory per folder you background. You should only background what you need to. I would recommend keeping your backgrounded folder count to 1 or 0. (Better to leave it to 0 and use Quickgold to launch most apps).

Other thoughts:
There are some apps that run all the time straight from Apple. They are: mobile safari, mobile mail, phone, and some other things. Of these apps, safari is the most alarming. It does not need to stay running and one way to free up some unused memory is to kill it. I plan to incorporate this concept into SBSettings.

In addition, some apps just take a long time to load on 2.x and I don’t believe any tricks in this post will help. They are SMS, Maps, and Settings. Notes also seems to take a while to load, but it “tricks” you by showing you the last note you were reading so it looks fast but you cannot type for a few seconds.

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SBSettings Theme Creation
11 十一月, 2008, 1:29 上午
Filed under: iPhone 技術交流

From: BigBoss

Click here to download the default SBSettings theme with all theming elements included as an example.


smule ocarina- iphone 陶笛
9 十一月, 2008, 3:53 下午
Filed under: App

一起來欣賞 smule ocarina 軟件的神奇功能吧!通過點擊IPHONE屏幕,配合你的吹奏,演繹天籟之音!




Ocarina is the first true musical instrument created for the iPhone. Both experts and beginners will be amazed by this innovative player. Ocarina is sensitive to your breath, touch and movements, making it even more versatile than the original. Unlike other musical applications, there are no pre-compiled riffs so musicians will find unlimited opportunities for self-expression. Advanced options allow you to choose between diatonic, minor and harmonic scales. Or channel your favorite video game adventurer with Smule’s Zeldarian mode.

For inspiration and material for your next gig (or just to bug the guy in the next cubicle), visit Smule’s Forum of Musical Scores to share in the community and view scores ranging from The Lengend of Zelda: Ocarina of TIme, to Amazing Grace. Check it out!

Also, like most Smule products, Ocarina is a social application. Tap on the globe icon and you will see and hear other Ocarina players throughout the world. The globe view will highlight the source of the music. Rate your favorite performances so that others may benefit from your judgment. Name your Ocarina if you want listeners around the world to identify your performances. With this robust application beautiful music is created, appreciated and shared.

8 十一月, 2008, 3:50 下午
Filed under: iPhone 技術交流
2. 【/private /var/ mobile/Media /iphone video Recorder】
3、【/private /var/ mobile/Media /DCIM】
4、【/private/var/ mobile /Media/iTunes_Control/Music】
5、【/private /var/root/Media/EBooks】
7、【/private/var/ mobile /Library/AddressBook】

8、【/private /var/ mobile/Media /iphone Recorder】


14、【/private/var/ mobile /Library/SMS】